Thursday, February 3, 2011

Egypt regime digs in as death toll mounts in Tahrir Square

Mubarak: 'If I resign today there will be chaos'
• 10 dead and hundreds injured in fresh crackdown
Journalists arrested and attacked by pro-Mubaraks

Jack Shenker and Peter Beaumont in Cairo, Harriet Sherwood in Alexandria, and Julian Borger
, Thursday 3 February 2011

"The Egyptian regime dug in today, defying international pressure to begin an immediate transfer of power while launching attacks on journalists and human rights observers.

Egypt's vice-president Omar Suleiman offered political concessions, inviting the long-banned Muslim Brotherhood to a dialogue. However, the Islamist movement and other opposition parties have refused to talk until President Hosni Mubarak steps down.

Mubarak told America's ABC News tonight: "I am fed up. After 62 years in public service I have had enough. I want to go." But he added he could not step down immediately for fear that the country would sink into chaos..... Ha! Ha! Ha!...."

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