Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt set for mass protest as army rules out force

• One million to march on critical day for rebellion
• Vice-president says he will talk to opposition
• White House hardens stance over transition

Ian Black, Middle East editor, Jack Shenker in Cairo, Chris McGreal in Washington guardian.co.uk, Monday 31 January 2011

"Egypt's army gave a powerful boost to the country's opposition last night by announcing that it would not use force to silence "legitimate" demands for democratic reforms in the Arab world's largest nation.

On the eve of a million-strong protest planned for today and amid multiplying signs that the US is moving steadily closer to ditching its long-standing ally, Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, now has few options left.....

Analysts believe that a likely outcome of the crisis is that Mubarak will eventually be persuaded to stand down by his closest advisers, including the army top brass and Suleiman. The US has close links to the Egyptian military....."

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