Thursday, February 24, 2011

Glenn Greenwald on the Assange Extradition Ruling, the Jailing of Bradley Manning, and the Campaign to Target WikiLeaks Supporters

"A British judge ruled today that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden to face questioning on allegations of sexual crimes. Assange plans to appeal within ten days. His defense team had argued against the extradition, in part, by citing the potential he could wind up being extradited to the United States and prosecuted for publishing classified government documents, a crime that could result in the death penalty. We speak to constitutional law attorney and legal blogger Glenn Greenwald about the Assange case; allegations of U.S. army torture against alleged whistleblower Bradley Manning; and a recently disclosed plot by three private intelligence firms to target WikiLeaks and its supporters, including Greenwald who has publicly defended the organization....."

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