Thursday, February 10, 2011

Government refuses transition plan as demonstrations are joined by strikes – and vice-president's coup ultimatum raises tensions

(Egyptian employees of service companies owned by the Suez Canal Authority have joined workers across the country in strike action.)

Jack Shenker and Chris McGreal Cairo, Wednesday 9 February 2011

"Talks between the Egyptian government and opposition have all but collapsed after the regime balked at surrendering power to a transitional administration in the hope that mass protests would die down.

Instead, the unrest is spreading as some of the largest demonstrations yet against President Hosni Mubarak were joined by labour strikes across the country, including on the Suez canal, in the city of Alexandria and by public transport workers in Cairo.

A prominent member of a key opposition group, the Council of Wise Men, said negotiations had "essentially come to an end". A western diplomat said Washington was alarmed by the lack of progress and the vice-president Omar Suleiman's warning of a coup if the opposition refused to accept the government's terms......"

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