Sunday, February 20, 2011

Help! A Naked Stooge is Looking for Cover!

Where is the Pharaoh When he Needs Him?

By Tony Sayegh

It was all very predictable. In the aftermath of the Egyptian revolution, and with more uprisings in just about every Arab country, the puppet Abbas had to at least appear to distance himself from his paymaster, the US, and the "peace process."

So, last week he sacrificed his chief buffoon Saeb Erikat, the author of "Life is Negotiations," who has been "negotiating" until the end of his political life. That was just the opening act in an effort to appear as if the stooge is really about to chart a new course.

The next act was to support a draft Security Council resolution declaring Israeli colonies in the West Bank as illegal. Our new Palestinian hero was not even swayed by a 50-minute phone call from Obama and Clinton. According to, Obama asked the puppet to withdraw the draft resolution and instead accept some non-binding and a watered down statement. But our Palestinian hero would have none of that! Even after Obama assured him that he (Obama) guarantees that not one Arab "leader" would criticize Abbas if he reversed course.

Clinton was even nastier to her puppet. She, and Obama, threatened him with cutting off the aid to the PA and other unspecified measures. But our hero stood fast!

But now, after Obama's Veto of the draft resolution, Abbas needs more than a fig leaf to cover his nakedness. So, the shameless puppet, who just about a week ago prevented a demonstration in support of the Egyptian revolution, has called for a demonstration in Ramallah, and you guessed it, it is going to be next Friday. It will be called the DAY OF RAGE! But rage against who?

Believe it or not, it is rage against his paymaster, Uncle Sam! Rage because Obama and Clinton Vetoed the draft Security Council resolution. Abbas is furious about his latest discovery! He has just discovered that the US has been leading him on with empty words for 17 years. He has just realized that his paymaster is actually not only not against the Israeli colonies, but that it actually finances the construction of those colonies. You can't say that our hero is the dumbest kid on the block.

And just listen to this trainee of General Keith Dayton, who used to be Abbas' intelligence official, Tirawi:

"A top Fatah leader and former Palestinian intelligence official called Saturday for a "day of rage" against America after the Obama administration blocked a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements.

Tawfik Tirawi said Palestinians would protest next Friday, a week after the US directed its UN ambassador to kill the draft Security Council resolution even though the 14 other members of the 15-nation council voted in favor.

Tirawi told Ma’an that the move amounted to "blackmail" and exposed the true face of America as well as the extent to which its role in the Middle East peace process harmed Palestinian interests."

I can just see it. The assembled and paid throng will carry Tirawi on their shoulders and chant for him and for Abbas: "Birroh.... Biddam.... Nafdik Ya Abu Mazen!" (We sacrifice our blood and souls for you Abu Mazen.)

Just one question: Will the Dayton force be in charge of protecting this staged event against the US?

Strange times are these we live in.

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