Friday, February 18, 2011

Libyans bury dead after clashes

Funerals for those killed, expected in both Benghazi and Al Bayda, could act as a catalyst for more protests.

"Libya is set for renewed displays of public anger towards their governments, as protesters bury people killed in recent clashes.

Thousands of anti-government protesters seeking to oust longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi have taken to the streets of Libya's eastern city of Benghazi, a day after "day of rage" demonstrations led to fatal skirmishes with the security forces.

Funerals for those killed, expected in both Benghazi and Al Bayda later on Friday, could act as a catalyst for more protests.

Tight controls on media and communications in Libya made it difficult to assess the extent of the violence, but on Friday unverified reports on social network sites said up to 50 people had died.

Pro-government supporters also were out on the streets early on Friday, according to the Libyan state television, which purported to transmit images labelled "live" that showed men chanting slogans in support of Gaddafi......"

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