Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Making of Egypt's Revolution

People Power in Action



"....Changing of the Guard: the Youth leads...

An Uprising turns into a Revolution.....

Looking the other way: Human Rights but not for all....

After 9/11, the Mubarak regime played a major role in aiding and abetting the U.S. counterterrorism policy on rendition and torture. In 2005, the BBC reported that both the United States and the United Kingdom sent terrorist suspects to Egypt for detention. In that report, Egypt's prime minister acknowledged that since 2001, the U.S. had transferred some 60-70 detainees to Egypt as part of the "war on terror.” According to journalist Jane Mayer’s investigative book “The Dark Side,” the new Vice President, Suleiman, was the coordinator of the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program during the Bush era. [See Stephen Soldz’s account of Suleiman’s role on CounterPunch, January 31.].....

The sacred equation: Egyptian Dictatorship equals Secure Israel......

Take a stand: Either with the people or with the regime.....

Trickery and treachery are the practices of fools.....

Thirty-two years ago the U.S. lost Iran and has ever since been in a contentious relationship with it for its refusal to admit its role in maintaining the regime of the Shah. It is doubtful whether the U.S. government has learned that lesson and whether it would be willing now to clearly and completely side with the people or respect their will to be free and independent......"

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