Wednesday, February 23, 2011

“We’re Witnessing the Violent Lashings of a Dying Beast”: Libyan Novelist Hisham Matar on the Gaddafi’s Violent Crackdown in Libya

"Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi vows not to leave the country as opposition protesters take control of key cities. After a week of demonstrations, thousands of protesters have been killed or injured by pro-Gaddafi police and hired mercenaries, and more than a thousand people are missing. For more on Libya, we are joined from London by Hisham Matar, a renowned Libyan novelist. He is the son of a prominent Libyan dissident and he is currently helping to run an ad-hoc news desk informing the Western media of events occurring in Libya. “The world now is watching the massacre and history will hold the international community responsible,” Matar says. “Not only are we watching an unelected dictatorship massacring its own people, we are watching a dictatorship that the world has profited from its close relationships with.”....."

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