Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yemen: End Deadly Attacks on Protesters

At Least 6 Dead, More Than 100 Injured, in 8 Days of Demonstrations

"New York) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen should immediately halt attacks by security forces on peaceful protesters and journalists and order an investigation into the deaths of at least six protesters since February 16, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The attacks have also injured at least 100 people since February 11.

Pro-government groups who appeared to have support and assistance from uniformed security personnel have attacked peaceful protesters in Sanaa and Aden, witnesses told Human Rights Watch.

"The authorities should immediately rein in the security forces and disarm pro-government provocateurs," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "An independent and impartial investigation into the past week's events is needed, and government officials responsible for abuses should be prosecuted."......"

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