Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yemen violence mounts in bid to remove President Saleh

.......More of Saleh's Thugs (Baltagis)......

Police shoot dead protester in Aden, while students lead anti-government rally in Sana'a

Tom Finn in Sana'a, Wednesday 16 February 2011

"Anti-government protests flared in Yemen for the sixth consecutive day, turning violent as protests sprang up across the country, spurred on by the resignation last week of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.

In Yemen's main southern city of Aden, security forces chased hundreds of people who took to the streets of Al-Mansura neighbourhood demanding the resignation of President Ali Abdallah Saleh. At least one protestor was shot dead by police as demonstrators hurled stones at police, set tyres and vehicles on fire and stormed a municipal building....."

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