Saturday, February 5, 2011

You can't be neutral on a moving train


Revolutions happen all the time, sometimes they succeed sometimes fail. We have seen example of both recently: Tunisia and Iran. What is happening now in Egypt is monumental on both the regional and the global level. Egypt is the heart of the Arab world and with Egypt out of the Arab/Israeli conflict since Camp David the Arab world has been lifeless, without hope, with one defeat after another (with the exception of Hizbullah's 2 victories over Israel) The entire history of the past 60 years is riding on Egypt and Tahrir Square now. Israel, Obama , EU , Saudi they all know that it is IMPERATIVE to defeat the revolution. They have given up on keeping the Mubarak clan in power for another quarter of a century but they have not given up on preserving the structure, the base and substance of the corrupt regime who gave us the 2 worst Egyptians ever : Hussni and Anwar.

In Order to achieve that goal , Obama and Israel instructed the regime to engage the people into a war of attrition. They are not giving an inch , they are not going anywhere , they are not going to care or cave in to the demands of the 79 Million Egyptians. While slowly weakening the people and terrorizing them and abusing them. The people have exploded and they have marched and they have sacrificed but I am afraid that is not enough. The Army while being "neutral" has done and played a very sinister role : It is helping the regime by containing the people NOT the thugs or the Mukhabarat. The People must realize the Army is not "Neutral" or as the Late Howard Zinn said "You can not be Neutral on a moving Train"... The train is moving and the people must do something different other than march and bleed to death while the filthy regime stays in power. Obviously a peaceful change of power is not going to be an option, which leaves violence as the only means to change the regime. The people are not armed and the only thing they can do is storm the palaces and the residences of the core of the regime that is their only option. Negotiations , waiting for a new core of the Dhubaat Al-Ahrar from the Army to take charge of take the people's side is almost impossible, The west , Obama all they want is to protect Israel and to do that they will sacrifice millions of Egyptians. The People must take the next step, I am afraid if they don't this uprising will be contained and fail.

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