Saturday, March 26, 2011

Al-Jazeera Video: Libyan rebels recapture oil town Ajdabiya


When I watch a scene like this, with undisciplined "fighters" firing wildly in the air, I shake my head. It reminds me so much of Palestinian fighters when they were in South Lebanon. Firing in the air (and wasting badly needed ammunition) is stupid to say the least. It is all bravado and show off.

Compare that with the disciplined fighters of Hizbullah, where firing in the air to celebrate, is FORBIDDEN!

The lack of discipline and absence of a chain of command among the fighters in Libya is quite obvious. This explains why the revolution failed when it was so close to capturing Tripoli and toppling the tyrant.

More time and training are needed, I realize. The question is: Will the revolution be aborted and stolen by NATO in the meantime? --
Tony Sayegh

"Libyan opposition fighters have recaptured the strategic Ajdabiya, a key oil town just 160 kilometres from the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.

Pro-democracy fighters claim to have moved past Brega further to the west, and that they are heading towards Ras Lanuf, another oil-rich town.

Ajdabiya is the first town to fall back into the hands of pro-democracy fighters, since the air strikes by international forces began on March 20.

British officials say those raids destroyed seven government tanks which threatened the city overnight.

Al Jazeera's James Bays has the latest from Ajdabiya. (26 March 2011)"

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