Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Aljazeera: or Al-Arabiyyah II?

By Angry Arab

"The coverage of Aljazeera has become a joke. Yesterday, I made a point of following their coverage of Bahrain. What a joke and what a loss of credibility. They had a minute--ONE MINUTE--about Bahrain, while they devoted more time in the newscast to the developments in Syria, where--according to the New York Times--some 40 people demonstrated in Damascus. Of course, I am all for covering protests in Syria and Libya, but the flawed coverage of Bahrain is an unfunny joke. In the segment of Syria, they interviewed a Syrian dissident who spoke for several minutes. In the coverage of Bahrain, the story was that some people were killed in "clashes." The other words used to cover Bahrain is "confrontation." Also, Aljazeera does not refer to Saudi troops in Bahrain: it refers to "Peninsula Shield" forces. (And by the way, can the GCC be a little more subtle about the US control over its affairs? I mean, the Peninsula Shield is clearly a name coined by US military command.) Aljazeere suffered a great blow to its credibility at a time when it beat the competition hands down."

"There is no doubt that Saudi Arabia has engineered the Arab counter-revolution with full US support. Only Libya will be allowed to change but in favor of a Saudi-controlled regime staffed by Qadhdhafi stooges, like Mustafa Abd-Al-Jalil. And it pains me to say this but I will say it: Aljazeera has officially joined the Arab counter-revolution, their silly obsessive coverage of Libya notwithstanding."

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