Monday, March 28, 2011

Assad's fall could deliver Lebanon to Iran and Hezbollah

via Angry Arab

"Washington, Israel, Turkey and Iran all have great reasons to want Assad to remain at the helm - he's seen as a safety valve against an attack by Hezbollah on Israel or against its physical takeover of Lebanon....."


This is exactly the opposite of the Syrian regime's propaganda. The regime is blaming outsiders (including the US and Israel) for fomenting the uprising.The regime's lie is that the Rabbit is being punished for "supporting the resistance."

The fact is that Israel and the US have a stake in keeping this jailer in charge of the big prison, named Syria.
The last thing USrael wants is to release the power and the dynamic of the Syrian people.They know what happened after the Pharaoh was toppled.

The reality is that the Rabbits, father and son, have been very good to Israel. They have kept the peace along the Golan, helped suppress the Palestinians in Lebanon and have opened Syria to the World Bank, IMF and all the exploitative neoliberal economics.

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