Friday, March 18, 2011

General Petraeus 'offered training to Yemeni forces'

WikiLeaks diplomatic cables claim US general offered counter-terrorist training and facilitated provision of tanks from Jordan

Robert Booth, Friday 18 March 2011

"A top American general was involved in supplying Yemeni forces with counter-terrorist training in order to help the regime "independently conduct counter terror operations", according to US diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks.

General Petraeus, President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Yemeni military agreed to increase the tempo of cooperation and training at a meeting in Sana'a in August 2009. Petraeus also facilitated the provision to Yemen's military of 25 M-113 armored personnel vehicles from Jordan.

The general then sent the head of the US military's special operations command centre to Sana'a to discuss their counter-terror cooperation in detail and he advised on training opportunities with US allies in the region, the cables reveal....."

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