Friday, March 18, 2011

The Kissinger Doctrine in Libya


By Tony Sayegh
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It is increasingly clear that the Western imperial powers, with Arab reactionary regimes cover, are putting into effect in Libya what I refer to as the Kissinger doctrine.

Let me explain. During the Iraq-Iran war, Kissinger used to say that the US strategy is to keep both countries fighting (and exhausting each other) as long as possible. He said that if either country was getting ready to keel over, then the US would help (with arms, intelligence, etc) just enough so that it gets back on its feet and stays in the fight as long as possible. That way the killing and destruction, on both sides, are maximized. The strategy worked and until today, both countries (and the region as a whole), are still paying the price.

A similar strategy was used within Iraq, after the invasion, by encouraging Sunnis, Shias and Kurds to slaughter each other. The US military took turns in supporting each element of the triangle, and sometimes at the same time.

I am afraid that the same strategy is at work in Libya. After decades of describing Gaddafi as the "mad dog of Tripoli," the West declared that he was rehabilitated once the right price was extracted from him. Arms, oil deals and even favorable publicity flowed after that.

Those same US/British/French arms were, and continue to be used, to slaughter the Libyan people and to keep the "mad dog" in power.

The Western imperialists waited, wringing their hands, until the revolutionaries in Libya were in retreat and almost cornered in the last stronghold of Benghazi, to miraculously pull the rabbit out of the hat and supposedly decided to intervene to stop the "mad dog".

We were told yesterday that military action would not be limited to just enforcing a no-fly zone. We were also told that the Western militaries, led by those fearsome air forces of Qatar, UAE and SA, would be "in action" in a matter of hours.

A day later we are told that military "coordination and preparations" are under way. In the meantime the "mad dog" continues his heavy bombardment of Misratah and other cities.

What is really going on?

I think that the game plan is to get both sides to slaughter each other and to destroy the country. As the revolutionaries get exhausted the US will install its own Libyan Karzai who will give the US everything it asks for, including military bases in Libya.

If on the other hand the revolutionaries are not worth their salt and even a better deal can be struck with the "mad dog," then after he is weakened and his wings clipped, a new round of rehabilitation would ensue. Tony Blair is always ready to save his friend in Tripoli and to make a few bucks in the process.

It is imperative that a wise and mature Libyan revolutionary leadership understands how this game is played and not to count on the US/NATO, with the help of the great democracies of SA, UAE and Jordan, to rescue them. They better depend on themselves fast, and get over their illusions.

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