Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Libya conflict leaves both sides running short of ammunition

Two weeks of intense fighting leaves rebels and government forces low on weapons – and exposes rebel's shortcomings

Richard Norton-Taylor , Nick Hopkins , Chris McGreal in Ajdabiya
, Wednesday 30 March 2011

"Both sides in the Libya conflict are running short of weapons and ammunition after almost two weeks of intense fighting that has brutally exposed the military shortcomings of the rebels, the Guardian has been told.

The rebels were forced into yet another retreat on Wednesday, with Muammar Gaddafi's forces regaining much of the territory taken by them at the weekend and threatening to humiliate the western coalition by again coming within striking distance of Benghazi.

Concern is deepening in the coalition about the rebels' fragile morale and lack of military experience to mount a sustained challenge to the regime[Therefore,....guess what? They need NATO's help and long-term training!]. A military stalemate is now a real possibility [That is the US/NATO plan, exactly!], partly as both sides are struggling to re-equip their forces...."

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