Sunday, March 27, 2011

Libyan rebels advance on Muammar Gaddafi's home town. Zanga, Zanga!

Revolutionary forces move more west along Libya's coastal road, seizing several towns without resistance, as they get closer to Sirte

Chris McGreal in Ben Jawad
, Sunday 27 March 2011

"Libyan rebels are advancing on Muammar Gaddafi's home town, Sirte, after retaking all the ground lost in earlier fighting as government forces broke and fled under western air strikes. Revolutionary forces rapidly moved more than 150 miles west along Libya's coastal road, seizing several towns without resistance, as the first witness accounts emerged of the devastating effect on Gaddafi's army and militia of the aerial bombardment that broke their resistance at Ajdabiya on Saturday. A doctor treating wounded government soldiers described hundreds of deaths, terrible injuries and collapsing morale. Today, rebels retook the important oil towns of Brega, Ras Lanuf and Ben Jawad, and continued on the open desert road toward Sirte, about 95 miles away. But they are likely to face a challenge in seizing the town, which holds political significance as Gaddafi's birthplace and is seen as important to his defence of Tripoli, the capital, which is now less than 300 miles from the rebels' front line....."

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