Saturday, March 19, 2011

Syrian forces seal city after deadly clashes


"A prominent Syrian rights activist says police have sealed a southern city where security forces killed five protesters.

Mazen Darwish says people are being allowed out of Daraa but they cannot come in. He cited residents who did not want their names published for fear of reprisals.

Funerals were planned today in Daraa after Syrian security forces launched a harsh crackdown yesterday on protesters calling for political freedoms. Accounts from activists and social media say at least five people died in the gravest unrest in years in one of the most repressive states in the Mideast.

Sealing the city appeared to be a way to isolate any further unrest in Daraa.

Darwish said at least five people were shot and killed Friday when security forces tried to disperse hundreds of protesters in the southern town of Daraa, near the Jordanian border. He cited eyewitnesses and hospital officials at the scene.

Yesterday's violence happened during one of several demonstrations across the country in areas including Homs, Banyas and the capital, Damascus [see videos from all these cities posted here yesterday]. But only the Daraa protest turned deadly, Darwish said....."

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