Saturday, March 19, 2011

US: Suspend Military Aid to Yemen

At least 45 Killed in Deadliest Attack on Peaceful Protesters

"(New York) - The United States should immediately suspend military assistance to Yemen until President Ali Abdullah Saleh ends attacks on largely peaceful anti-government protesters and prosecutes those responsible, Human Rights Watch said today.

In the deadliest attack since daily anti-government protests began in mid-February, unidentified gunmen on March 18, 2011, opened fire from nearby buildings and the ground on largely peaceful demonstrators in Sanaa, the capital, while security forces stood by without intervening, local human rights activists told Human Rights Watch. Doctors said 45 protesters, including one young girl, were shot dead, and more than 350 others were wounded, most from gunshots.

Human Rights Watch was not able to confirm media reports that members of the security forces also fired on protesters. However, gunmen seen firing from buildings, including the al-Mahweet governor's house and a bank, had shooting skills that suggested that they were professional marksmen, the local activists said.

"Time and again, President Saleh promises he will stop attacks on peaceful protesters and yet the number of dead keeps rising," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "The United States should back up its words condemning the carnage with action, and halt military aid to Yemen."

Human Rights Watch has documented numerous attacks on largely peaceful anti-government protesters by the security forces and by armed assailants who have shot, stabbed, or hit protesters with stones and sticks, while security forces stood by.

The United States has provided more than $300 million in military and security aid to Yemen....."

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