Friday, March 18, 2011

War in Libya: a scramble to action

A race is now on to put the UN security council's words into effect before it is too late

By Julian Borger
The Guardian

"....But the Obama administration, which tried very hard to avoid this moment, is insistent that the Arabs and Europeans must at least be seen to take the lead, and that will take more time. There is a trade-off between speed and making it look right.

First of all, the matter has to go to Nato, where contingency planning has been underway for a couple of weeks, but where Turkey has been resisting military intervention. Any decision to act requires unanimity....

These Arab volunteers have yet to come forward, but diplomats quoted in the New York Times suggested that Qatar and the United Arab Emirates would play a leading role, with Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia also considering taking part. Egyptian participation could make air bases close to the Libyan border available, making the whole operation a lot easier......"

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