Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yemen: Emergency Law Does Not Trump Basic Rights

Government Obliged to Respect International Obligations

March 23, 2011

"(New York) - Yemen's new emergency law does not override the government's obligation to respect fundamental human rights under international law, Human Rights Watch said today.

Yemen's parliament on March 23, 2011, approved sweeping emergency legislation authorizing 30 days of expanded powers of arrest, detention, and censorship. President Ali Abdullah Saleh had declared a state of emergency on March 18, hours after pro-government gunmen opened fire on anti-government protesters in Sanaa, the capital. The attack killed at least 52 people and wounded hundreds.

"Emergency laws are no excuse to use unlawful force to quash peaceful protests," said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "The world is watching to see whether President Saleh will respect the basic rights of his citizens."

The legislation, which effectively suspends the constitution, allows media censorship, bars street protests, and gives security forces sweeping powers to arrest and detain suspects without judicial process....."

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