Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Al-Jazeera Video: Cal Perry reports from Syria

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It is clear that the Syrian regime is following an identical script to that of Gaddafi in trying to put down the Syrian uprising.

The regime uses its own militias, in civilian clothes, to fire on, kill, and terrorise the protesters, and then it blames "foreign armed gangs and Islamic terrorists" for the killing.

The Rabbit is repeating the same failed lies of Mubarak, Bin Ali, Gaddafi and Saleh: It is either the regime or chaos. In reality it is the regime which is spreading the chaos and hoping to divide the protesters using sectarianism and other dividing tactics.

My advice: Don't fall in the Libyan trap, where up to 10,000 Libyans have been killed already. Keep the uprising peaceful, regardless of the provocations of the regime and its thugs. Follow the Yemen example, where even though the population is mostly armed, the uprising has remained 100% peaceful. In the long run, the lost lives will be fewer, if it stays peaceful.

Study the Egyptian uprising and learn what new steps to take: civil disobedience, strikes, more sit-ins in various cities, etc. But most important, you need to mobilize the population in the millions.

You also need to work on the media and information side. Videos are being sent by activists inside Syria, but you need to become more organized and professional. The information needs to reach the world media, as it happens. This is critical given the regime's tight clampdown on the media.

The lies of this atrocious regime need to be exposed to the whole world.

"After a night of protest turned violent, several people in the Syrian city of Homs were left injured.

With gunfire reported at a sit-in protest on Monday night, demands that President Bashar al-Assad have been growing.

Al Jazeera's Cal Perry, reporting from Damascus, has the latest."

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