Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Al-Jazeera Video: Inside Story - Prosecuting Mubarak

INCLUDING SHARIF ABDEL KOUDOUS (formerly with Democracy Now!)

"The Egyptian public prosecutor has issued an order to summon Hosni Mubarak, the former president of Egypt, and his two sons, Alaa and Gamal, for questioning over allegations of corruption. Just hours earlier Mubarak had made his first public statement since his dramatic departure from office. He denied being involved in corruption and denied having financial assets in foreign countries. For his part the public prosecutor said Mubarak's speech will not have any impact on the legal measures against him and his family. All this follows a crackdown on protestors in Tahrir Square on Friday and Saturday, in which two people were killed and 70 injured. So, would a trial appease those worried about a counter revolution in Egypt? Or might it further strain relations between the army and the people?"

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