Saturday, April 9, 2011

Al Manar and Syria

As I watch  on youtube one disgusting video from Daraa  after another with savagery and brutality that is too difficult to digest, I decided to go on Al-Manar website to see what they are reporting on. Not only there is NOT A SINGLE article about what is going on in Syria, I came across the following "exclusive" interview with some lame syrian baathist :

"السبب الرئيسي لاستهداف سورية هو وقوفها الى جانب المقاومة ودعمها، ووجودها في صلب محور الممانعة ومشروع المقاومة ضد العدو الصهيوني في كل أنحاء المنطقة العربية وليس فقط في لبنان"، يقول الوزير السابق ويضيف أنه "منذ مجيء الرئيس الراحل حافظ الأسد الى الحكم، رفعت سورية مع اشقائها في محور الممناعة شعار الحرية لفلسطين، ولا زالت سورية حافظة للعهد إلى يومنا هذا، رغم كل المغريات التي قدمتها الدول الغربية في سبيل إنهاء حالة المقاومة".

Now are they stupid ? blind ? do they expect to maintain their credibility after this ? I am sick of the "end justifies the means" attitude.
Some had it with Sadaam under the illusion of liberating Palestine, now the same is happening in Syria. The end (which was NEVER EVER Palestine) NEVER justifies the means and what the regime is doing to its people should never be forgiven or forgotten.  Shame on Al Manar for blowing yet another opportunity to show that they are not merely a sectarian tool with a sectarian agenda.
They cry foul for the plight of Shia in Bahrain and are silent about the plight of Syrians (of all sects) in Syria. 
 Al Manar is nothing more than the opposite of Al Arabiya. Selective coverage, moral relativism and biased sectarian prism. I reject both.

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