Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bahrain protests will go nowhere while the US supports its government

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

The Al-Khalifa family, who control Bahrain, has cracked down on dissent with little condemnation from the west

Ian Black
, Middle East editor
, Saturday 16 April 2011

"History and geography explain why Bahrain's peaceful uprising was the early exception to the "Arab spring", which began with high hopes in Tunisia and Egypt but now faces bloody uncertainties in Libya and Syria. Sitting astride the faultline between the Shia and Sunni worlds, the small Gulf island state lies at the heart of a strategically sensitive region that is dominated by bitter rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia – both very tough neighbours.....

As the base for the US Fifth Fleet, Bahrain is important to Washington, which values Hamad's bellicose attitude towards Tehran – revealed in WikiLeaks' releases of state department cables. The king's choice of a Bahraini Jewish woman as ambassador to the US was a savvy move....

The Saudis were already unsettled by the way Barack Obama had washed his hands of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak. Thus their insistence on maintaining regional order – triggering the grim repression that has now become a permanent feature of Bahraini life.....

For most observers, the lesson is clear: western and Arab governments alike badly need the Gulf region's energy and financial resources. That's why Bahrain's spring is already over."

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