Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Energy Vampires

Why Britain and France are so gung-ho to attack Libya

by Justin Raimondo
, April 20, 2011

"To hear the “humanitarian” interventionists tell it, the NATO alliance is currently bombing Libya in order to avert an alleged “massacre” that may – or may not – happen if Moammar Gadhafi gets his hands on the rebels now holding the eastern province known as Cyrenaica. It’s just a coincidence that Libya is a major oil producer, and that the NATO allies demanding the dictator’s ouster are thirsty for the stuff......

Energized by a zeal to stamp out racism, sexism, homophobia, and all the other ills diagnosed by perpetually agonized liberals – and eager to shed the anti-military, anti-interventionist image of their party – the Obama administration, led by Hillary Clinton and her squadron of busybodies, is setting here an important precedent, one that this administration – or the next – is bound to find useful in the not-too-distant future. After all, if we have a “responsibility to protect” Libyan protesters from Gadhafi’s wrath, then what about those Iranian protesters who are being cut down in the streets – or the Syrians who are bravely rising up against their despot? Both countries are longtime targets of America’s ire, and it’s only a matter of time before the Obama Doctrine is invoked to strike Damascus and Tehran."

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