Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Israel steps up Jerusalem expulsions

Even Tony Blair can’t save Palestinian bookseller to the stars

by Jonathan Cook

Global Research, April 13, 2011

"Munther Fahmi is known as the “bookseller of Jerusalem”. Among his customers are to be found Tony Blair, Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter and Hollywood actress Uma Thurman. In a city riven by political and social tensions, Mr Fahmi’s bookshop has provided an oasis of dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis, with well-known writers and scholars from both sides of the divide regularly invited to give readings and talk about their work. But despite his high-profile connections, Mr Fahmi’s days in the city of his birth look to be numbered. Israeli officials have told him that, after 16 years running his bookshop in the grounds of East Jerusalem’s landmark 19th-century hotel the American Colony, he is no longer welcome in either Israel or Jerusalem....."

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