Friday, April 22, 2011

McCain lauds rebels in Libya visit. As if the "Rebels" Needed This Kiss of Death! Who is Next to Visit Benghazi? Senator Lieberman? What a Disgrace

Top US senator's trip comes as President Obama authorises the use of armed drones against forces loyal to Gaddafi.


"Senator John McCain, one of the strongest proponents in the US Congress of American military intervention in Libya, has arrived in Benghazi for talks with pro-democracy forces fighting to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi.

McCain's arrival on Friday came close on the heels of the US president approving the use of armed drones in Libya against ground forces for the first time since America handed over the military operation to NATO.

Al Jazeera's Sue Turton, reporting from the eastern city of Benghazi, said McCain told reporters he was there to meet the opposition Transitional National Council and members of the military to assess the situation on the ground.

He also denied concerns about the possibility of extremist or al-Qaeda elements fighting alongside the pro-democracy forces, saying "they [opposition fighters] are my heroes".

The top US military officer offered a similar assessment earlier.

"We're watchful of it, mindful of it and I just haven't seen much of it at all. In fact, I've seen no al-Qaeda representation there at all," said Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US military's joint chiefs of staff, during a visit to Baghdad.
[Make no mistake about it. This "revolution" is now totally owned by USrael, and I can no longer support it.
Next expect the Libyan Karzai to declare that he would be willing to recognize Israel. I will remind you when this happens.]
The trip to Benghazi by McCain, the top Republican on the US senate's Armed Services Committee, is the highest yet by an American official to the opposition-held east......"

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