Sunday, April 3, 2011

Syrian mourners say government snipers carried out massacre

Anger on streets as demonstrators massacred by Syrian government are buried

Katherine Marsh
, Sunday 3 April 2011

"Thousands of protesters returned to the streets of Damascus as funerals for those killed in a reported massacre by government forces last Friday were held in a suburb of the capital city. Human rights groups have claimed at least 15 people were shot dead on Friday during pro-reform demonstrations in the neighbourhood of Douma, eight miles north-east of the centre of the Syrian capital. Some non-governmental organisations claim up to 22 protesters may have been killed, with more than 100 wounded, including 20 in a critical condition. Angry mourners chanted "down with the regime" as eight of Friday's victims, believed to have been targeted by government snipers, were buried. "This was the systematic killing of peaceful and unarmed citizens by security forces," said Radwan Ziadeh, head of the Damascus Centre for Human Rights, one of several organisations that has collated matching witness accounts of the incident. Witnesses told the Guardian that thugs were bussed in by government forces to attack demonstrators. Journalists and diplomats were prevented from reaching the area over the weekend, and phone lines to Damascus have been disrupted....."

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