Monday, April 18, 2011

Those Reforms Keep Multiplying, Rabbit Style: Thousands attend Syria protesters' funerals

Mourners call for overthrow of President Assad a day after at least 30 demonstrators were killed by security forces.


"Thousands of Syrians have attended the funerals for protesters killed in the central city of Homs, chanting slogans demanding the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad, the country's president. Rights activists say security forces killed at least 25 pro-democracy protesters in Homs on Sunday night as anti-government demonstrations flared across the country, claiming up to 30 lives. "From alleyway to alleyway, from house to house, we want to overthrow you, Bashar," the mourners chanted, according to a witness at the mass funeral held for eight of the dead on Monday. Al Jazeera's correspondent Rula Amin, in Damascus, reported that the situation in Homs was very tense. "People are complaining that many of the wounded are not going to the hospital, they fear that the security forces will pick them up from their hospital bed," she said. "There is also a shortage of blood according to the people we have been talking to. "People are concerned that clashes might erupt following the [funeral] processions."....."

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