Friday, April 8, 2011

Those Syrian "Reforms" Keep Coming.....In Volleys of Live Fire!

Fresh protests erupt in Syria

Reports of at least seven deaths reported in southern town of Daraa as demonstrations are held in several cities.


".....Witnesses said security forces were using live ammunition against protesters in Daraa. A source told Al Jazeera that at least seven people were killed in the southern border town; however, the report could not be immediately verified. Separate demonstrations were reported in cities including Qamishli, Deir e-Zor in the east, the coastal city of Banias, and in the Damascus suburb of Douma. Al Jazeera's Rula Amin, reporting from Douma, said there were no security forces visible in the area where eight people were killed in protests one week ago. "It's a new situation in Syria," she said. "We saw thousands of people taking to the streets after Friday prayers, from all walks of life. Young and old, professionals and not professionals, educated, not educated, there were some Islamists, some nationalists. "The chanting that was unifying them was a chant for freedom and dignity."....."

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