Monday, April 18, 2011

Vittorio and Israel's Attack on the Intellectual Intifada

By Lauren Booth
Palestine Chronicle

"The killing of Vittorio (Vik) Arrigoni in Gaza this week follows (too) closely, the murder of pro-Palestinian peace activist Juliano Mer Khamis in the West Bank. Juliano, 52, was shot dead outside the Freedom Theatre in Jenin Refugee Camp on the West Bank on the 4th April. His documentary Arnas’s Children detailed the work of his mother in helping Palestinian children deal with the trauma of living under Occupation through the use of drama and self – expression. Juliano untimely, bloody, end was one he had predicted three years ago on Israeli television. Vittorio Arrigoni was found, this week, hung, by armed ‘fanatics’ in an apartment in Gaza. An end he would never, ever, have predicted.....

Secondly, Israel is seeking to end the growing momentum of the siege breaking movement and the increasing appeal of the ISM (International Solidarity Movement). Which brings us to timing of both Juliano and Vittorio’s murders. Both men were respected for their creative work. Juliano, for inspiring a new generation of actors and writers in Jenin and for his film making on the subject of life under Occupation. Vik for his award winning writings and broadcasts, on the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza. Both men were part of a new uprising, arguably, the most successful yet. The uprising that hurts Israel where it hurts most - in the TV studios of Europe and the US, right in the intelligentsia. Their impact on the Israel ‘fascisti’ machine was a phenomenon in the expanding worlds of twitter and facebook. They had voices like no others in this movement. More, though. Vik was pivotal in the reformation of the ISM Gaza Group, the non violent resistance team, put on hold after the murders of two of its members by Israeli forces; Tom Hurndall and Rachel Corrie. After it became clear that Israel’s leaders had taken the decision not only not to ignore the human rights of internationals in the West Bank and Gaza (thus putting them on a par with Palestinians), but to actively target them....."

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