Thursday, April 21, 2011

Yemeni activist at risk as death toll mounts

20 April 2011

"Amnesty International has today urged the Yemeni authorities to ensure the safety of a prominent human rights activist after she was warned anonymously for allegedly passing information to the UN Security Council.

Amal Basha, chairperson of the Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights (SAFHR), received a telephone warning via her office this morning telling her not to leave her home and to take extra precautions.

The anonymous caller said Yemeni security forces believe that she briefed the UN Security Council about the current situation in Yemen, thereby “internationalizing” the country’s problems. Amal Basha says she has not provided any such briefing to the UN.

The Yemeni authorities must urgently investigate this threat against a leading human rights activist and take steps to ensure that those responsible for planning any action against Amal Basha’s life are quickly identified and brought to justice” said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa director.

Human rights activists must be able to go about their lawful work without threat or intimidation.”...."

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