Tuesday, May 24, 2011

AIPAC conference confirms futility of negotiations

(Click on cartoon by Khalil Bendib to enlarge)
By Jody McIntyre
The Independent

"It was Nelson Mandela who once said, “Only free men can negotiate”. So-called negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian governments have often taken the form of slave and slave-master over the years. The rhetoric of the extreme right-wing current Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is only a confirmation of a wider truth; that negotiations with the apartheid state of Israel are futile.

The AIPAC conference provides a platform for the Zionist lobby to flex their muscular influence on US politics, with President Obama included on the list of speakers. This was his speech of real importance, and who can forget his address to the AIPAC conference of 2008, when he stated that “Jerusalem must remain the undivided capital of Israel”. With those words, he nonchalantly dismissed the UN’s interpretation of international law, which clearly specifies East Jerusalem as the capital of any future Palestinian state.

So yesterday, another conference commenced; a celebration of continued US support for Israel. The fact that is being ignored is that, as a wave of uprisings across northern Africa and western Asia are proving, US dominance and influence in the region is on the decline. Just like hundreds of millions of dollars in aid were not enough to keep Mubarak in power in Egypt, all the billions of dollars in aid will not be enough to prop up Israel forever.....

As Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden until his assassination in 1986, once said, “Apartheid cannot be reformed, it must be abolished.”"

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