Tuesday, May 31, 2011


[After Assad the criminal lifted the emergency law in Syria the number of killed increased tremendously. This will be repeated in Bahrain as well]

Amnesty International has urged the Bahrain authorities not to again use excessive force against protesters, as activists called for mass anti-government demonstrations across the country on Wednesday.

The call for demonstrations comes as a repressive state of emergency imposed following previous protests, the State of National Safety, is set to be lifted by Bahrain’s King on Wednesday.

"The Bahraini authorities must not make the same mistakes as in February and March, when largely peaceful protests were violently suppressed by government security forces," said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Director.

"As the state of emergency is lifted, the authorities must allow people to peacefully exercise their rights to freedom of expression and association, "he added.

The protesters are calling on the government to end human rights abuses, and have been instigated by the February 14 youth coalition, the group which called for the first protests earlier this year to demand political reform..

The Bahrain authorities say at least 24 people, including four police officers, have died in clashes between police and demonstrators since they began in February. 

At least 500 protesters have been detained and four have died in custody in suspicious circumstances. At least two thousand people have also been dismissed or suspended from their jobs, apparently for participating in the protests.

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