Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Body Snatchers: Al-Jazeera journalist has vanished

Al-Jazeera English journalist Dorothy Parvaz has been disappeared. Authorities in both Syria and Iran now deny that she is being held in their countries.

The Guardian

"It is known that Parvaz, pictured here, flew from Doha to Damascus on assignment for the network, landing on 29 April. Then she vanished.

Some days later, the Syrian embassy in Washington announced that she had been deported on 1 May to Iran (see here). Parvaz holds Iranian, US and Canadian nationality.

But on 14 May, the Iranian foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, told his country's news agency, IRNA, that Iran had "no information" about Parvaz. [Both the Syrian and Iranian governments are liars and now they contradict each other!]

According to the Syrian embassy statement, Parvaz tried to enter Syria with an expired Iranian passport and a tourist visa.

After finding transmitting equipment in her bags, the Damascus authorities assumed she had come to cover the anti-government demonstrations and then deported her to Iran.

Parvaz's brother told the Paris-based press watchdog, Reporters Without Borders, that the family had received no notification from the authorities in Tehran.

Al-Jazeera announced on 27 April that it was suspending all activities in Syria because of threats and acts of intimidation against its crews."

Source: Reporters Without Borders.

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