Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brotherhood divided over Friday's protests

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"In a new sign of internal rebellion, a group of Muslim Brotherhood youths have affirmed that they will participate in Friday’s protests despite the organization’s vehement opposition.

“We are taking to the streets because we believe that the revolution should be completed,” said Islam Lotfy, a Muslim Brotherhood leader told Al-Masry Al-Youm....

In response to these divergent calls, the Muslim Brotherhood posted a statement on its official website announcing that it would not participate in the protests on Friday. The group dismissed calls for a second revolution as “a revolution against the people” and an attempt to drive a wedge between the military and the people.

This is a very strange position,” said Mohamed al-Qassas, another 35-year-old Muslim Brotherhood youth leader and a member of the 25 January Revolution Youth Coalition. “I did not expect the group to issue a statement that disapproves of the protests and accuses participants of treason.”....."

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