Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brotherhood leader: Next govt to be Islamist

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"A new video posted on the internet shows a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader saying Egypt's next government will be Islamist.

The clip shows Sobhi Saleh, a senior Brotherhood figure who was a member of a judicial panel that laid down Egypt's current interim constitution, making statements to the group's younger members that became controversial.

In the clip, Saleh said younger Brotherhood members should marry wives from within the group, saying those marriages will produce children and families that will form a "Brotherhood community able to impose its presence on life in Egypt."

He further said that getting married to non-Brotherhood members hinders the group's bid to achieve its "fourth victory" - namely, to enter Parliament and form an Islamist government.

On an internet forum, younger Brotherhood members demanded that Saleh apologize for his remarks. "Is the Brotherhood acting as a state that can limit marriages to holders of its nationality?" one contributor said."

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