Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dureid La'ham The "Comedian"

I never liked him , always thought he was an opportunist and a government tool. His "criticism" of the regime were nothing more than releasing internal pressures in order to avoid meltdown and to prove that
Syria has a "democratic" footnote. As an actor and a comedian he was always over rated and never really funny, His brand of humor was mediocre at best and his supporting cast was always funnier than him.
This asshole "comedian" now called Azmi Bishara a devil because he is attacking Syria, and he said "The Syrian Army is not here to fight Israel it is here to keep the national security". When Syria is liberated from this junta, we should put all those "artists" and supporters of murder and torture in cages and have the people pee on them. They deserve nothing less and nothing more.

حام في حديث تلفزيوني، وفي معرض تعليقه على الاحتجاجات التي تشهدها بلاده، أن الجيش السوري ليست مهمته محاربة إسرائيل وإنما الحفاظ على "السلم الأهلي"، مضيفاً: "وهذا ما يفعله الجيش في الأحداث الجارية".

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