Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Egypt must prosecute all those responsible for protest killings

24 May 2011

"Amnesty International has called on the Egyptian authorities to prosecute all those responsible for the killings of anti-government protesters, after it was announced that ousted former president Hosni Mubarak and his two sons are to stand trial.

The three, along with Mubarak's ally Hussein Salem have been charged with "premeditated murder of some participants in the peaceful protests of the January 2011 revolution," Egypt's public prosecutor said in a statement issued on Tuesday.

"The families of those killed during protest violence have a right to justice as do all those who were seriously injured or subjected to arbitrary detention or torture, including at the hands of the military," said Amnesty International

"That Mr Mubarak and his sons are to stand trial is a very welcome step but all those found responsible for the killings and other human rights violations, such as torture, must face prosecution and must be held accountable."

"The trial must offer the victims and their families the chance to confront the defendants and get answers. This is a unique opportunity for truth to be revealed and justice to be seen to be done in Egypt."...."

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