Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hezbollah urges Syrians to back Assad regime

By Tony Sayegh

I, among millions of Arabs, have admired the strength of Nasrallah and his truthfulness. But for me, and after this speech, I no longer respect this man. He has openly put his sectarianism, political considerations, not to mention being owned totally by Iran, ahead of the legitimate desires and yearnings of 22 million Syrians.

How dare he pontificate and more or less lecture the Syrian people who have not finished burying their dead (over 1,100 already!) and whose sons are being tortured in the dungeons of this Fascist regime (over 10,000), to SUPPORT the regime which is killing them, shelling their cities using tanks and starving entire besieged cities!

Today, Nasrallah and Hizbullah have lost the support of tens of millions of Arabs. Don't take my words, go read comments on such sites as Al-Jazeera (Arabic) where comments against Nasrallah are running at least 10 to 1.

This new antagonism towards Nasrallah and Hizbullah will only increase as the slaughter of the regime continues and escalates.

The fall of the Syrian regime is becoming a question of time and it is too bad that
Nasrallah has selected to stand against the popular forces and strongly with a butcher.

I never thought that I would say this, but Hassan Nasrallah TFUH on you, because you now deserve this.

"BEIRUT — Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday urged Syrians to back President Bashar al-Assad while calling for the rejection of sanctions imposed on Damascus over a deadly crackdown on pro-democracy protests....

"We call on all Syrians to preserve their country as well as the ruling regime, a regime of resistance [what resistance??], and to give their leaders a chance to cooperate with all Syria's communities in order to implement the necessary reforms," he said in the speech broadcast by his party's Al-Manar television....."

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