Monday, May 2, 2011

Libya: The Bizarro War

We’re killing civilians in order to save them

by Justin Raimondo, May 02, 2011

"....As has been the case for all the Arab dictators faced with the wrath of their own suddenly-awakened people, in Libya attempts to parlay have come from the regime. The Americans, who once urged restraint on the Egyptian masses – and endorsed Mubarak’s chosen heir, the former head of the Egyptian spy agencythink they have learned their lesson, and are now ahead of the game.

The game they are playing is a very dangerous one, tailor made to generate the sort of lethal “blowback” we saw on 9/11. Because their game involves lining up with the very enemy they claim to be fighting worldwide.[Was this not the case with Al-Qaida?]....

In order to establish his Arab street cred, President Obama is cuddling up to Libya’s jihadists – and probably arming them, just like we support and arm Jundallah, the Sunni terrorist group operating in Iranian Baluchistan. With David Petraeus at the CIA, these kinds of covert wars are doubtless the wave of the Obama-ite future. The COIN doctrine goes global – and clandestine. Beyond congressional oversight and beneath the radar of our mainstream journalists, America’s covert wars are setting us up for a major conflict....."

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