Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A New Nonviolent Resistance Movement Grows as Palestinians Mark Nakba Day with Protests at Syria, Lebanon and Gaza Borders

"Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has declared three days of mourning for the 14 Palestinians killed when Israeli troops opened fire on massive protests at Israel’s multiple borders on Sunday. In an unprecedented action, Palestinian refugees from Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, as well as residents of Gaza, tried to enter Israel. In addition to those killed, hundreds of people were wounded. As many as 300 people from Syria overwhelmed border patrols and briefly entered Israel. The series of protests came on Nakba Day, when Palestinians mourn the 1948 establishment of Israel, which drove hundreds of thousands of Palestinians out of their homes. We’re joined by Fadi Quran, a youth leader in Ramallah who helped organize a protest at the Kalandia checkpoint on Sunday....."

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