Monday, May 23, 2011

Opinion polling set to thrive in Egypt's new political climate

"The fall of Hosni Mubarak has triggered a rush by political parties and foreign organizations to use opinion polling to gauge the mind of the nation in the run-up to parliamentary and presidential elections this year.

Prior to the 25 January revolution it had been impossible to collect political information from voters due to tight government restrictions, but since the toppling of Mubarak companies have been making requests for hard data about which way the political wind might be blowing.

People want to know the mind of the nation,” said Steve Spicer, a Cairo-based research manager from French opinion polling company Ipsos. “Everybody wants to know what people are thinking because people’s opinions now have weight.

Before it didn’t matter because of the way the country was ruled.”.....

“Before, if you did any sort of research here you needed to get the subject matter approved by the government. If you wanted to ask political questions they would refuse.”...."

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