Saturday, May 21, 2011

Our revolt is not Obama's

Barack Obama says he wants change in the Arab world yet insults us with the same old bad policies


Ahdaf Soueif
(An Egyptian short story writer, novelist and political and cultural commentator.)
The Guardian, Saturday 21 May 2011

"This wasn't slipping poison into the honey; it was smearing chemical sweeteners on to toxic pellets. Barack Obama listed what he sees as his country's "core interests" in my country Egypt and my region; his country's "core principles" governing how it will act towards us, and his policies to promote US interests within the frame of US principles. Let's translate the US president's description of his "core interests in the region" into effects on the ground:

"Countering terrorism" has implicated (at least) Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the US's extraordinary rendition programme, turning our governments into torturers for hire and consolidating a culture of security services supremacy and brutality that is killing Syrian protesters today and manifests itself in Egypt as a serious counter-revolution....

In the end, our revolutions are not by or for or about the US. We in Tunisia and Egypt, and soon in Libya, Syria, Yemen, are looking for ways to run our countries to the benefit of our people and the world. We see that democracy is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition. "Democratic" systems are failing their people, in Britain, in India, in the US, as millions fall into poverty, banks take precedence over hospitals and universities, the environment is degraded and the fabric of society frayed, the media are compromised, and politico-business scandals are standard entertainment.

The world needs better; and that's what we're working for."

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