Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Palestinian Love Fest

By Tony Sayegh

I have to admit that in spite of my cynicism, deep down I am a sentimental fool.

With the news dominated by, no not Bin Laden, but Palestinian reconciliation and the ensuing euphoria among Palestinians, I found myself joining the crowd, with tears in my eyes.

Forgotten is the treason of Abbas. Forgotten is the corruption of the PA. Forgotten is the Medieval age and "rule" that Hamas has brought. Forgotten are the Dayton thugs masquerading as Palestinians. Forgotten are all of the political prisoners, including those tortured to death, in both the West Bank (by the PA) and in Gaza. Forgotten is the muzzling of the freedom of expression. Forgotten is the Palestinian Ben Gurion posing as a Palestinian PM. Forgotten are those who wanted Israel to bomb Gaza back to the stone age. Forgotten are those who wanted Gaza to starve under the siege. Forgotten are those who wanted Israel to re-occupy Gaza. Forgotten are those Palestinian "diplomats" who worked to block the Goldstone report.

All this is now forgotten. Now I am just another Palestinian fool, like the rest of them, waving Palestinian flags and praising "Palestinian unity."

In the spirit of love and brotherhood now prevailing, I would like to re-nominate the ideal candidate to head the next Palestinian "unity government." Who better to spread good cheer, smiles and hope in what is left of the two Palestinian Bantustans? Yes, who is better than......Barney!

All together now:





Nafdeek Ya Barney!

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