Thursday, May 26, 2011

Political Punch with a Religious Thrust

By ADAM Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani

"CAIRO, May 26, 2011 (IPS) - More than three months since the fall of the Mubarak regime, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood movement is well on its way to forming its first official political party since its inception in 1928. But while the nascent party is to be based on "the principles of Islamic Law and respect for freedom of belief," some critics see this as a contradiction.

"The Brotherhood can't seem to decide if it's a religious group or a political one," Gamal Fahmi, political analyst and managing editor of Nasserist weekly Al-Arabi Al-Nassiri told IPS....

While the new party will be financially and administratively independent of its parent organisation, the two entities plan to closely coordinate their activities. ‎"The Brotherhood will cooperate with the party on certain occasions, especially during elections," said group spokesman Walid Shalabi....[Who are these people kidding? These opportunists who served in Mubarak's "Parliament" for years, and who played a minimal role in ousting the Pharaoh, and who are urging Egyptians not to participate in tomorrow's massive protests in Egypt, should never be trusted. They are the tools of Saudi Arabia, and by extension USrael.]

In line with a newly enacted law that expressly prohibits political parties based on religion, Brotherhood officials are adamant that Freedom and Justice is not a religious party per se. Rather, they say, the party will merely "use the principles of Islamic Law as a chief reference".....
Tellingly, the party plans to scrap the Brotherhood's traditional motto, "Islam is the solution" in favour of "Freedom is the solution and justice the application (of freedom).".....
"The Brotherhood is using religion to promote a political agenda," said Fahmi. "This contradicts the basic tenets of democracy and could lead to sectarian dissension."...."

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