Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Red Cross calls for access to Deraa

Organisation urges Syria to lift restrictions on access to casualties in besieged city as international pressure grows.

"The International Committee of the Red Cross has urged Syria to lift restrictions on access to casualties in the besieged city of Deraa, amid mounting international pressure on the Syrian regime to end its violent crackdown on protests.

Deraa has been the epicentre of anti-government unrest with protesters demanding an end to Assad's presidency and the Baath Party's near-50-year rule.

Soldiers and tanks have been deployed there and in other cities in a security crackdown which activists say has claimed hundreds of lives.

"The violence has resulted in a large number of casualties and we fear that if the situation worsens, more lives will be lost," Marianne Gasser, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delegation in Damascus, said on Tuesday.

"It is urgent that emergency medical services, first aid workers and others performing life saving tasks swiftly reach those in need," she added in a statement.

ICRC spokesman Hisham Hassan said the doctors and staff from the agency Syrian Red Crescent and other medical workers needed "immediate access to the injured"....."

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