Monday, May 23, 2011

Saudi Arabia: Free Woman Who Dared to Drive

Stop Enforcing Ban on Women Behind the Wheel

Human Rights Watch
May 23, 2011

"(Beirut) - King Abdullah should immediately order the release of Manal al-Sharif, who was arrested on the morning of May 22, 2011, after she defied the kingdom's de facto ban on driving by women, Human Rights Watch said today.

She had posted a video on YouTube showing herself behind the wheel and describing the inconveniences not being able to drive causes women. Prosecutors charged al-Sharif with besmirching the kingdom's reputation abroad and stirring up public opinion, according to Saudi press reports. King Abdullah should lift the de facto ban, Human Rights Watch said.

"Arresting a woman who drove her family around in a car and then showed it online opens Saudi Arabia to condemnation - and, in fact, to mockery - around the world," said Christoph Wilcke, senior Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch. "The longer she stays in prison, the more the kingdom will have to answer for.".....

There is no law barring women from driving in Saudi Arabia, but senior government clerics have issued several fatwas, or religious rulings, saying women are prohibited from driving. In practice, Saudi officials bar women from driving and refuse to issue them driver's licenses, although women occasionally do drive without being arrested. Al-Sharif drove with her international driving license, which is recognized in the kingdom......"

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